Create Business Value From AI
It's clear that the world is at the dawn of generative AI, which is poised to open up the global economic landscape as organizations work to be the first in their industries to take advantage of its limitless capabilities. Watch this illuminating video by Microsoft's Jessica Hawk focusing on the incredible potential of businesses powered by AI.
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Create Business Value From AI
published by Natural Intelligent Systems
Who Are Natural Intelligent Systems
We’re a systems integrator and managed services provider that designs manages and optimises today’s evolving technology environments to enable its clients to leverage data in a digital age.
Founded in 1988, and headquartered in Johannesburg, we are a small independent information communication technology (ICT) company, supported by a group of global technology companies.
We invest in innovation and training to bring together the world’s best technologies, from consulting, technical and support services to a fully managed service, to our client base.