There's No Secret Ingredient To Good Cybersecurity
There is no secret ingredient to successful cybersecurity—it's just your workforce, their skills and unwavering resolve. Read the article for insight into security imperatives, including: these simple but important steps: regular patching, employee awareness training, and fostering open communication about potential threats.
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There's No Secret Ingredient To Good Cybersecurity
published by Natural Intelligent Systems
Who Are Natural Intelligent Systems
We’re a systems integrator and managed services provider that designs manages and optimises today’s evolving technology environments to enable its clients to leverage data in a digital age.
Founded in 1988, and headquartered in Johannesburg, we are a small independent information communication technology (ICT) company, supported by a group of global technology companies.
We invest in innovation and training to bring together the world’s best technologies, from consulting, technical and support services to a fully managed service, to our client base.